Code of Conduct

This code summarizes the principles under which TRANSKEILES’s employees work, both internally and in relation with business partners and other parties.

1) Laws and Regulations

As employees of TRANSKEILES we comply with all laws, regulations and company policies that govern our activities around the World. We act with integrity and honesty in all matters, and we are accountable for our actions.

No matter where we operate in the World, we must live by our TRANSKEILES’S values, be aware of, and abide by, the legal standards and regulatory requirements applicable to our business function.

2) Business Partners

In relation to suppliers, TRANSKEILES maintains ethical and licit relationships with suppliers of goods and services. In addition, TRANSKEILES selects suppliers on the basis of the appropriateness of their product or services, their prices, delivery conditions, quality, as well as for the application of principles similar to ours.

3) Compulsory Labor / Child Labor

TRANSKEILES disapproves of any form of child and compulsory labor or involuntary labor as well as any other forms of enforced labor, not only in its own enterprise but also with its business partners.

4) Our Employees

In TRANSKEILES, we respect human rights and encourage their observance.

At our workplace, no form of violence or abuse is permitted. We do not discriminate against employees on the grounds of race, religion, age, sex or any other personal or social condition different from the conditions of merit and qualification.

We will protect private employee personal information and use it only for legitimate business purposes, in accordance with all relevant laws.

Moreover, TRANSKEILES declares that its employees receive an appropriate remuneration. The legally defined national minimum wage is assured.



5) Conflicts of Interest

Employees are expected to perform their duties in a way that does not conflict with the best interests of TRANSKEILES.  In the case that such a conflict were to arise, staff members are to report this immediately to their superiors.

6) Competition / Corruption

We compete in good faith with other companies. We believe in a free market based on mutual respect between competitors. TRANSKEILES will not tolerate any corrupt practices by its staff or on the part of its business partners.

7) Health, safety and environment

Our health, safety and environment goals are: no accidents, no harm to people and no damage to the environment.

Our ecological vehicles are EURO 5 and EURO 6.

 8) Responsible Marketing

TRK publishes the capacity of his organization so much to royal as potential clients by means of his web page and with his dossier of presentation. This mass media get up-to-date from time to time, checking that expire with the beginning of marketing responsible for the company.

The rates established with the clients remain defined in contracts that are ruled by the beginning of honesty, transparency and equality of treatment towards all the clients.

9) Protection of Information

The confidential and personal information that there gathers TRANSKEILES of his clients are treated in conformity with the established in the Organic Law of Protection Information 15/1999 of 13 December and his later modifications. For it, TRK guarantees a high level of safety in the use of his IT systems.

10) Communication and Fulfillment of the Code of Ethics

This principles are communicated to all the TRANSKEILES`s employees in his annual meeting, as well as to any other company that should operate in his name. Also the web page is available to any other interested part and can be requested to his Human Resources Department.



Any worker can put in touch with his manager or come directly to the owner to indicate any anormal breach of the Code.


From time to time the owner check the degree of fulfillment of the Code taking the corrective suitable action in case they were necessary.